One of the easiest way to save tax dollars is to maximize your deductions. The more deductions you accumulate the lower your tax liability will […]
Tax Resources
IRS Audits on the rise
Per the IRS records the number of audits on individual tax returns is on the rise. The good news (if you can consider it that) […]
10 common tax deductions you shouldn’t miss
Here are 10 common overlooked tax deductions for the tax return self preparer. 1. Alimony payments 2. Self-Employment Tax Deduction 3. Self-Employment Health Insurance Deduction […]
Is this the end of the tax free “short sale”
Currently there is a tax break for people who short sell their principal residence. Historically if you short sold your house, meaning you owe the […]
New IRS Health FSA rules
The IRS recently announced the Health FSA’s can have up to a $500 carryover of unused accounts the the next plan year. This creates and […]
The reason behind the complex tax code
Have you ever wondered how and why the IRS tax code is so complex. With the upcoming presidential elections I found a great article in […]