Identity theft

Identity theft is a large problem for the IRS and taxpayers. Over the years the IRS has made great strides reducing the ID theft problems, but where the crooks have a will they have found a way. Phishing is a scam where an email is sent to you that looks like it came from the IRS. The email will ask you to verify your information such as name, social security number, passwords and credit card information. Per the IRS “If you receive an unsolicited e-email that appears to be from either the IRS or an organization closely linked to the IRS, report is by sending it to“. The IRS does not use email to contact the taxpayer. An e-mail from the “IRS” is a fraudulent email.

You can prevent ID theft by using anti-fraud software and secure passwords for your computer. Also shred any materials of a confidential nature. Leave your social security card at home. Do not give your personal information on the phone, through the mail, or on the internet unless you initiated the contact with the company. If you have been a victim of ID theft then you will need to file IRS form 14039 and then contact us so we can notify the IRS.