One of the easiest way to save tax dollars is to maximize your deductions. The more deductions you accumulate the lower your tax liability will […]
IRS Audits on the rise
Per the IRS records the number of audits on individual tax returns is on the rise. The good news (if you can consider it that) […]
Affordable Care Act Tax Provisions
The IRS has a website to help clear the air regarding the new health insurance regulations. Some of the provisions start January 1st 2013 and […]
2014 Here we come ready or not
As we wrap up 2013, I begin planning for 2014 and the implications of the new tax laws. A couple of new taxes will be an […]
10 common tax deductions you shouldn’t miss
Here are 10 common overlooked tax deductions for the tax return self preparer. 1. Alimony payments 2. Self-Employment Tax Deduction 3. Self-Employment Health Insurance Deduction […]
Is this the end of the tax free “short sale”
Currently there is a tax break for people who short sell their principal residence. Historically if you short sold your house, meaning you owe the […]
Identity theft
Identity theft is a large problem for the IRS and taxpayers. Over the years the IRS has made great strides reducing the ID theft problems, […]
Affordable Care Act Summary
Affordable Care Act Summary – Whether you agree with mandatory health care requirement or not; it’s here and I think it’s here to stay in […]
New IRS Health FSA rules
The IRS recently announced the Health FSA’s can have up to a $500 carryover of unused accounts the the next plan year. This creates and […]
The reason behind the complex tax code
Have you ever wondered how and why the IRS tax code is so complex. With the upcoming presidential elections I found a great article in […]